Hellcat Cosmos - 9-11-10

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Yeah, and just think of what you could catch?

With the Efisherator 9000, you can catch just about anything? Big fish, little fish, red fish, blue fish. You can catch a whale, you can catch a shark, you can catch a whale shark or a giant squid. Maybe the fish ain't bitin' cuz your fishin' buddy smells bad, no problem, flip this switch here and launch one of our patented TNT cartridges to a depth of up to one thousand meters! That'll bring up some fish for sure, and it's perfect for the fourth of July! Catch blue gill, yellow tail, chicken of the sea. Catch sea lions, sea horse, flounder and manatee! All this can be yours for only $99.99, that's right, $99.99! Call now and also receive this heavy kevlar totebag*, perfect for hauling your catch and protecting it from enemy fire! Efisherator 9000 only $99.99! Call now!!!

*Offer not valid in Rigel, Deneb, or Kentucky.

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